Test Food Good Taste : Home-made Sushi

Hi!!  Longtime no see ^^*

forgot to update and share some good memory to own site.

anyway, today would like to present easier way to cook japanese food.

one of my favorite hobbies is…Homemade food >> Sushi rolls

Easy !!

Delicious !!

Fun !!


  1. Rice / Brown rice
  2. Cooked Sausage or any meat
  3. Seaweed for wrapping
  4. Salad Seaweed (Green)
  5. Omelet
  6. Salt
  7. Sesami Oil (My sister recommend this)
  8. Vinegar (If you have)
  9. Roll Mat
  10. Knife


  1. Prepare seaweed on the roll mat, and place rice on the roll mat in the middle of seaweed.
  2. Place some sausage, omelet, salad seaweed together on the middle of rice.
  3. Carefully roll them, just squeeze a bit for seaweed and rice stick together.
  4. Open the roll mat and cut them to plate.


See ya^^*